The mobile biological toilet BIO WC is a small mobile aerobic (forced aeration) biological station of continuous use. By means of a fan operated by solar energy, and one that works with the air, and carrying out the chimney syndrome created a microclimate. We carry plenty of oxygen from the atmosphere in the effluent. This reacts immediately with the gases that cause odor and neutralizes. The toilet BIOWC is odorless. The oxygen sets in motion the composting oxidize sewage. With the help of the side walls and roof of the toilet that is empty inside and act like vents, constantly convey air from the cab to the waste water and from there into the atmosphere.
DELIVERY Ready for use.
FITTING Without any special treatment. On a flat surface.
MAINTENANCE - EVACUATION: When the metal surface of system detergency, situated beneath the basin shows up liquids, means that the wastewater tank must be emptied. This can be done by the hole in the floor of the toilet inside, by means of a common cesspit evacuator by the valve on the rear of the tank exterior. No special knowledge is required for the maintenance of the toilet.
- Is Heavy metal manufacturing and withstands vandalism, fires and extreme uses.
- Is Mobile, transported and operates where necessary with forklifts, trailers or truck.
- Is Ecological processes waste biological
- Works With the help of wind and solar radiation.
- Is Odorless -Neutralizes odors.
- Evaporate water of sewage.
- It Is self-cleaning.
- No sight of foreign waste.
- No need water to function.
- No often need emptying, after at least 3000 uses.
- No uses of chemicals.
- It creates -No produces wastewater.
- No need electricity.
- No need obstruction.
- Clean And disinfect.
It can be screwed to the pachtothei the ground.
Can be converted into a conventional toilet.